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Lunar Digest: Full Moon Eclipse in Libra

full moon eclipse in libra

Working with my menstrual cycle, the Wheel of the Year, and the lunar cycle have served me so well over the last 7-8 eight years. The Moon in particular supports me throughout the month in re-committing to my intentions, taking inspired action and shedding whatever doesn't support the woman I am becoming. I do my own Full and New Moon rituals, and lead The Sisterhood Of The Moon New Moon Circles online in groups and have helped numerous women to maximise their manifestation potential by allowing 'Lady Luna' to inspire their day-to-day lives. The Lunar Digest is a bi-monthly blog post sharing the main themes of the upcoming lunation, my own take on what The Moon has in store, a practice to engage with, an affirmation for The Moon, and a journaling prompt. I hope you enjoy!

The Full Moon Eclipse in Libra - 25/3/2024

Main themes: 

  • Radical forgiveness

  • Moving forward

  • Calling out your own BS

  • Energetic detox

My take: 

It's eclipse season again! And for me, this means one thing: we need to mine the darkness and shed some light. This means that so much of what we think we see might not be completely accurate, there is a whole other side which the 'naked eye' doesn't recognise, so we really need to dive deep with our intuitive abilities. This can be really tricky, because it often takes a period of pause (sometimes during a time where we want to be more reactive!) so that we can really feel into what else may be going on... Ultimately, it often pays off though.

As we know, Full Moon is a beautiful time to work with shedding, releasing, letting go and so on... But this one in particular might feel especially intense, because it requires us to second-guess whether the ego is guiding our way. The ego often comes forward in order to protect us somehow, it emerges during times where we could choose to pursue either fear or love, and often the ego chooses fear. This whole process means that sometimes we need to look again at a situation, and we may need to concede at some point that we got something 'wrong' and deliver an apology to ourselves or others.

This particular Full Moon in Libra is accompanied by an alignment between Venus (the planet of lurve) and Uranus (the planet of shifts and changes). This might mean that there is a situation with a loved one which is well-positioned for an overhaul, or it might mean that we need to approach an upcoming change in our life with love leading the way. Or it may mean something else... You decide, remember.

This is something I often touch on in my content: spiritual tools, practices or resources are there to support us on our journey, but they should not become a crutch. You are in control of your destiny, and if you pull a card, or see a sign, or read this blog post, you can choose to do nothing with it and I am 99.9% sure that your world will not end.

However, if you choose to allow these vehicles for deeper inner knowing to cause a stir in your mind, heart and spirit, even if it is simply to explore them and come out saying, "Nope, that's not right for me", I believe that you will build deeper connection with your higher self and move forward leaps and bounds in your healing, manifestation and empowerment.


"Maybe I don't know it all, I'm open to being wrong, I'm happy to have the truth brought to light."

Journaling prompt:

Where might there be 'more to the story' in your life right now? What narrative are you clinging to for dear life? What if there is another explanation? How can you make space for something else to be true? What steps do you need to take right now?


In the next few weeks I am going to be sharing the details for the 21-Day Spring Clean Your Soul Immersion... Between now and then, make a list of the different areas of your life which need a 'spring clean'. Think literally and energetically, for example your bedside table, your glove box, your desk drawer, your email inbox, your bank statements, your calendar, your friendships etc. If you feel called to start the process of clearing out these spaces already, then go for it. Otherwise, keep adding to the list until the Immersion begins... I can't wait to share it with you! Don't forget to share your list in The Soul-Led Sisterhood Experience: Lifestyle Upgrades for Fierce Females free facebook group!


I've had personal experience recently of reconnecting with someone who I felt had previously wronged me... The Universe put this person back into my path, and I took the inspired action to reconnect and so far it has been a very tentative and healing connection. I'm always conscious of my intuition but I've also definitely been someone to ignore the whispers of my soul and instead pursue the ego voice instead, and as a splenic authority in human design, I find it very difficult to get that intuitive voice back when I have turned my back on it.

So I'm in a process now of navigating that push-and-pull between the head and the heart, taking things as slowly as I need to in order to really feel the way. And while I've been doing that, there have been some beautiful moments of clarity, opportunities for deeper study, and revelations of empathy. Plus, forgiveness. Lots of forgiveness, of both myself and the other.

I don't know whether that friendship will continue or whether this time is a practice ground for something else in the future, but for now, I'm enjoying the process and releasing old narratives which no longer fit, bit by bit.

Good luck with your Full Moon Eclipse journey... It's a juicy one!

With grace and grit,



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Thanks for reading this little 'Soul Snack' of mine...

I've always been an avid writer, and have been blogging since I was around 14-years-old (back in the day when Myspace blogs were introduced!) 

Nowadays, my favourite topics to write on include feminine empowerment, holistic wellness, personal development, alternative parenting, Soul-Led Solopreneurship, budget travel, manifestation and money management, spiritual connection and more...

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With grace and grit,
Gabriella x

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