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Lunar Digest: New Moon in Cancer

Before we get stuck in to this month's Lunar Digest, I want to tell you about something very special which I'm all kinds of excited about at the moment... The Soul-Snack Subscription is BRAND NEW right now, and it will allow us (me, you and the other women of our Soul-Led Sisterhood) to connect deeply on a regular basis. Think: multiple weekly journaling, meditation and wellness practice prompts, conversation cues for rich new friendships, a space to 'Ask-Me-Anything' (literally ANYTHING, whether it is holistic wellness, feminine empowerment, spiritual healing, personal development, alternative parenting etc), a weekly opportunity to promote, share, or brainstorm your art, business offering, or upcoming projects and more. For simplicity, I've decided it will be housed in a Whatsapp community, and for accessibility, I've decided the investment (at the moment) in exchange for being a part of this sisterhood will be just £3 per week... Check out all of the details HERE and if you feel called, please sign up, I'd love to have you in there!

Now, on with the Lunar Digest! Working with my menstrual cycle, the Wheel of the Year, and the lunar cycle have served me so well over the last 7-8 eight years. The Moon in particular supports me throughout the month in re-committing to my intentions, taking inspired action and shedding whatever doesn't support the woman I am becoming. I do my own Full and New Moon rituals, and lead The Sisterhood Of The Moon New Moon Circles online in groups and have helped numerous women to maximise their manifestation potential by allowing 'Lady Luna' to inspire their day-to-day lives. The Lunar Digest is a bi-monthly blog post sharing the main themes of the upcoming lunation, my own take on what The Moon has in store, a practice to engage with, an affirmation for The Moon, and a journaling prompt. I hope you enjoy!

The New Moon in Cancer - 5/7/2024

Main themes: 

  • Give love ANOTHER chance

  • Clear boundaries

  • Actual listening

  • Healing to move on

My take: 

Ooooh this New Moon is so persistent! The last few months we have had themes around love and relationships come up, and yet here we are again, with this New Moon taking place right next to Venus that planet of romance, abundance, and true connection. So this Moon is offering us ANOTHER chance to get things right in terms of intimacy, interdependence and communication. It's a great time to reflect on what our preferred love languages are, and share them with others (and of course, find out what theirs are and work on learning those languages too!)

Added to that, the sign of Cancer: this is the sign which is rooted in all things that are supposed to feel like our safety blanket. Specifically family and home. Now, I say 'supposed to' because let's be real, sometimes family connections or even the place we shelter, might not always feel like super-energetically-safe spaces. That's why working on our boundaries is so important. Sometimes we feel like it is 'too late' to teach an old dog new tricks (like, maybe our mother-in-law is NEVER going to change her tone...) but while it is important to focus on what we CAN change, is is also a really great time to speak our piece. Even if it isn't respected or considered by the person we are speaking it to, at least we know that we have clearly advocated for our own hearts... We can decide what to do about the fall out later.

For anyone who has been sticking around a romantic connection which isn't right for them for far too long, this Moon is offering us one last chance to either change it (if we can), or leave it. If we don't do one or the other, then we have only two choices left; accept it, or resent it and to be honest, neither of those two sound appealing. Make a decision now, that this New Moon in Cancer you plan to heal by moving on. Then go do the thing.


"I believe that if I lead my life in the spirit of love, I am able to show up as my best self. I am healing from my past and manifesting a romantic, intimate and sexual love like no other. I am able to relate authentically while maintaining my boundaries and taking care of myself."

Journaling prompt:

Think of the five relationships which take up the most mental, physical and emotional space for you at the moment... Then, imagine that you could start those relationships again, right now, from scratch. What would you do differently? Which boundaries would you put in place? How would you behave? What would you make sure the other person knew as being important to you? What would the foundations to that relationship be? Journal it.


Sometimes, we think that if we are single, or our partner is disconnected from us, or we are travelling alone that romance, love, or intimacy are off the cards. However, this is a PERFECT time to fall deeply into unconditional self-love, by courting, cherishing and choosing ourselves! This is all about self-recognition and honouring ourselves like the goddess we are... So decide which sorts of activities help you to do that... You might practice some mirror-work affirmations, run a bubble bath, do a little self-massage or something else. Do it all with the energy of, 'I'm so grateful I get to love myself so deeply!' And one of the best ways to show love to yourself? Well, you could sign up for The Soul Snack subscription right here... I promise, it's a treat! :)


My energy was feeling so MEH until yesterday... I think part of it is due to the miserable 'summer' weather we've been having here in the UK and the other part is due to my recent ovulation (I've been feeling a lot more energised, creative and sensual during my bleeds, and more tired, irritable and apathetic during my ovulations recently, go figure!)

But yesterday, my 'get-up-and-go' came back and I put the finishing touches to The Soul Snack subscriptions... It's kind of nerve-wracking launching that really because even though it is a 'low-investment' offer (so, theoretically 'easy' to bring women into) I am putting it in place to essentially replace my free facebook group, and the community there has been very stagnant for far too long.

I love social media, and always have... BUT I think in the last couple of years, the algorithm combined with a collective overwhelm has resulted in the work of creators being less noticed, respected and honoured. 9 times out of 10, the algorithm doesn't show our work to our community, and then when it does, the community is so oversaturated with content that there is rarely even an acknowledgment that the work is there, never mind an engaging activation of the work. It just makes it feel so disheartening, like yelling into a void, and I have been feeling quite disillusioned and disempowered by it all.

I've decided that although I will continue posting on social media, my work there will be much lighter, shorter, and will have the primary purpose of directing interested women to The Soul Snack. In that space, we can connect properly, go much deeper, and focus with collective energy on our upgrades... That feels so much more aligned for me, and I can't wait!

In other news, before I even knew the themes for this month's Moon, I FINALLY felt an energetic detachment happening between me and a past love. I have honestly PRAYED for this detachment for almost two years now, and it was as though a veil had been lifted. I feel like I can see again. Like that line in the Tangled movie, "And at last I see the light, and it's like the fog has lifted!" Of course, I expect some residual feeling, but generally, I am on a very good level right now and I can't wait to see what else this Moon brings!

With grace and grit,



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Thanks for reading this little 'Soul Snack' of mine...

I've always been an avid writer, and have been blogging since I was around 14-years-old (back in the day when Myspace blogs were introduced!) 

Nowadays, my favourite topics to write on include feminine empowerment, holistic wellness, personal development, alternative parenting, Soul-Led Solopreneurship, budget travel, manifestation and money management, spiritual connection and more...

If you'd love to stay connected with email updates whenever a new post is published, drop you details below, or follow me on Instagram by clicking HERE.


With grace and grit,
Gabriella x

What are YOU feeling? Let me know what's on YOUR mind...

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